domingo, diciembre 11, 2011

A post about what to write

I don't really know what to write about here. I wanted to write something like a diary, but then I realise that that would be probably one of the most boring things to do, It would go something like this:

           "So today I woke up, got into the shower, eat some breakfast, then scrolled down Tumblr, eat some lunch, kept scrolling down tumblr, then eat dinner. and now I'll go to bed. bye."

And it would be like that every single day, well maybe one day instead of Scrolling down Tumblr after lunch, I would play Nintendo (probably as exiting as it gets), but still really boring life.
So instead of doing a Diary-blog I will write only really interesting thins (yes I will try to do things daily), and when I don't have any interesting thing to write about, I will write about some theme, like Christmastime or friendship or whatever. The thing is that I don't wanna quit this blog. Even if I only write sh!t, I will keep posting stuff. that's one of my goals for this new me.
I will tell you everything later, until then
                                                                                          Have a nice life.